Comments on: But Everyone is a Little Autistic, Right? Fri, 08 Jul 2022 03:44:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Crystal Empath Fri, 08 Jul 2022 03:44:59 +0000 ]]> In reply to Sarah.

Connecting and sharing with other Autistic folk helps me understand myself more than I ever imagined possible & others have expressed a similar sentiment from my sharing of my experiences and realisations.

I fell into another therapist who said to me that she didn’t believe I was Autistic initially, but wasn’t going to go against my diagnosis (she only saw me in group therapy initially for DBT emotional regulation skills at the time for a few sessions, but I clicked with her and found her to be so very authentically genuine) after seeing her a couple of further private sessions for trauma she has since said that she can see that I am Autistic. She said that I mask incredibly well, but to my own detriment. She only ever diagnosed children, but since working with me has gone on to continue her education and has just become certified to work with adults. She is a little overwhelmed she admits and is going to ease into it as she mainly works with traumatised individuals and has a full client list, but she is passionate about helping understand her patients better and always is up for education as am I. I really love her for that. We are learning together.

Thanks again for all you share here. It makes a difference. 😊

By: Sarah Thu, 07 Jul 2022 15:24:06 +0000 In reply to Christopher Marcus.

I had to laugh at your comment. I imagined myself flopping around on a soccer field with a soccer ball. It wasn’t pretty! I think people are uncomfortable with their lack of understanding and knowledge of autism that maybe they feel the need to “reassure” themselves that we are still like them and reconcile the fact that what they see from us doesn’t fit the stereotype. Whatever the case, I think it goes without saying – more awareness and education on what autism really means is needed. Thank you for reading!

By: Sarah Thu, 07 Jul 2022 15:20:39 +0000 In reply to Crystal Empath.

Hi, Crystal. Wow! Your therapist doesn’t know a single thing about ASD. Unfortunately, not many do. Educating others can be exhausting. I’m often caught off guard and am not sure how to respond, which causes the perfect moment to pass by unutilized. But, we do what we can do. It’s more important, I think, to understand yourself. I, too, am late-diagnosed but it has made a world of difference. In all my years of trying to figure myself out, I felt unsuccessful until I found out I am autistic. Now, in the context of autism, it all makes sense. Thank you for sharing your story with me. It helps to know that there are others out there. (It proves to myself that I am NOT from another planet.) 🙂 I hope you are able to find a therapist who will listen to you and your lived experience.

By: Crystal Empath Thu, 07 Jul 2022 08:51:00 +0000 She also always often mentioned how I was very empathic for my 12 sessions we have had before she realised I had been diagnosed with Autism. (She was in the process of trying to diagnose me. All she knew was that I had severe anxiety which she noted throughout each session and was aware that I had a huge trauma history) The thing I found to be even more weird was that since I have been diagnosed and my therapist now "knows" I am Autistic she no longer thinks I have empathy, which is common for Autistic folk due to the literature she has studied. I have directed her to some papers to read and further education from Autistics, but my point is that It is often so exhausting to educate others. I know it is necessary. I was 50 years old before I realised I was Autistic and my life finally began to make sense. I do have intense empathy for others, probably due to my trauma background. It was due to my abuse that I gained the skills I have developed to read others. I am not great at feeling my feelings, but I was not allowed to do so. It was always necessary to know how to navigate my surroundings and to understand others. I'm so grateful for blogs and advocates that continue to educate in any way. We do need to let others learn. We all need to learn or nothing will ever change. All humans mask to a degree to fit in & thrive for many reasons. Neurodivergent folk that don't know they are actually neurodivergent often moreso. Knowledge gives us more choice and with choice hopefully comes more freedom and peace. I'm still working on me atm, but educate where I can. I'm grateful for anyone that has the headspace & strength to do so. Thank you for sharing. 🙏🏻 ]]> Even my clinical psychologist didn’t pick up on my Autism. And now that she has been once again told that I have a previous late diagnosis of Autism & ADHD (which she claimed she was unaware of despite me mentioning that I see a Autism psychologist that specialises in working with only women & girls due to their different presentation) and she now has said that she thinks we are all a little on the spectrum. She said to give her a good jigsaw puzzle and she’s totally absorbed, you’ll see it….🤦🏼‍♀️

She also always often mentioned how I was very empathic for my 12 sessions we have had before she realised I had been diagnosed with Autism. (She was in the process of trying to diagnose me. All she knew was that I had severe anxiety which she noted throughout each session and was aware that I had a huge trauma history)

The thing I found to be even more weird was that since I have been diagnosed and my therapist now “knows” I am Autistic she no longer thinks I have empathy, which is common for Autistic folk due to the literature she has studied.
I have directed her to some papers to read and further education from Autistics, but my point is that It is often so exhausting to educate others. I know it is necessary. I was 50 years old before I realised I was Autistic and my life finally began to make sense. I do have intense empathy for others, probably due to my trauma background. It was due to my abuse that I gained the skills I have developed to read others. I am not great at feeling my feelings, but I was not allowed to do so. It was always necessary to know how to navigate my surroundings and to understand others.

I’m so grateful for blogs and advocates that continue to educate in any way. We do need to let others learn. We all need to learn or nothing will ever change.

All humans mask to a degree to fit in & thrive for many reasons.

Neurodivergent folk that don’t know they are actually neurodivergent often moreso.

Knowledge gives us more choice and with choice hopefully comes more freedom and peace.

I’m still working on me atm, but educate where I can. I’m grateful for anyone that has the headspace & strength to do so. Thank you for sharing. 🙏🏻

By: Christopher Marcus Thu, 07 Jul 2022 05:27:24 +0000 As a father to an autistic child I’ve heard this one often enough, as well, and I don’t believe people mean it in a bad way either. You can always dilute words and concepts if you insist. Technically, I’m a little bit of a professional soccer player, too, because I kind of enjoy playing the game and can – sometimes – score a goal. But yeah, no. 🙂
