Comments on: Obviously, I Missed the Obvious! Mon, 04 Sep 2023 01:15:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Deborah Mon, 04 Sep 2023 01:15:13 +0000 100% on flipping the script! It can take me a while to build a model of something, but after I’ve built the model/discerned the framework? I can quickly achieve accurate, complex-to-others understandings that are obvious to me but not others. So, though I may be slow in some of the up-front modeling stages, it pays off with just a little patience, for sure.

By: actuallyautisticfemale Wed, 05 Jul 2023 02:25:20 +0000 I’ve been thinking about this in relation to TV shows and books, like when they show you something and it’s supposed to be obvious what it means. I was reading a book that said something like “the murder weapon was next to an ax” and I was like, uh, OK, that’s where it was located. Turns out I/the reader was supposed to infer “they were going to chop up the murder weapon with an ax to hide it” and I didn’t pick that up AT ALL. (I guess I shouldn’t be a homicide detective?!) 🙂 Not so obvious (to me, at least!)
