Comments on: Stimming in the Office Sun, 21 Aug 2022 05:03:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Crystal Empath Sun, 21 Aug 2022 05:03:44 +0000 ]]> As a “very” late diagnosed Aspie (so late that they don’t even actually use the diagnosis in my country anymore, even though my clinical psychologist affectionately said to me that I am definitely an Aspie girl, at the ripe old age of 50…anyway, I digress. I have an official diagnosis of Autism (ASD1 (WE have ASD (Autism spectrum Disorder Level 1, 2 & 3 here now as per the DSM 5. I’m from Australia.)

I appreciated this post today very much and whilst I no longer work in an office environment, I can use many of these examples even when I go to appts etc. I am a “great” masker…hence flying under the so called radar, but not without great personal cost to my mental health & overall burnout.

Even more relaxed attitudes in public re: dress codes allow for accommodations I feel these days such as my big fluffy cardigans I wear now rather than jackets I “had” to wear are wonderful. Fidget toys are also a little more acceptable, as are headphones.

I’m so glad fellow Aspie’s/Autistic & Neurodiververgent folk with sensory issues/differences have people like you that raise awareness and share real tools.
Thank you for all you do. You make a genuine difference. Not everyone “comes out” or even comments/likes, but even those that don’t and just read will go away with knowledge they can share &/or use.

I, for one, am enternally grateful for every advocate whether it is intentional or not. There is still alot of stigma surrounding Autism and unfortunately especially even “high functioning” as to whether there is even any real genuine struggles faced by those as many do not always seemingly believe that they indeed have Autism. I guess, education is needed. Especially in the area of women and girls where the tradional presentation is not so commonly known even to many professionals, let alone the general public.

My head is scattered and yet deep in thought after your post, sorry for my disjointed ramblings. Again, I’m grateful for the food for thought. I love you content. 🙏🏻
