Autistic Women and Facial Expressions

Facial expressions are a form of non-verbal communication that accompanies a verbal message and can help convey the intent behind the message and the speaker’s emotional state. In short, it rounds out the complete picture for the receiver. And for neurotypicals, a conflict between a person’s words and facial expressions can lead to misunderstandings. ForContinue reading “Autistic Women and Facial Expressions”

What’s Tone Got to Do with It?

The natural communication style for autistics tends to take a straightforward approach. We know what we want to say, and we say it. But there’s more to communicating than words for non-autistics. Words are just one piece of the puzzle, and the non-verbal communication accompanying a verbal message can significantly influence how others interpret theContinue reading “What’s Tone Got to Do with It?”

Stimming in the Office

Although everyone stims to some degree, it’s necessary for autistics. Stimming helps us regulate our emotions and relieve anxiety. But in the workplace, our stims can distract coworkers – drawing unwanted and unnecessary attention. Not all workplaces are a safe environment for autistics to be our authentic selves. Our social challenges often cause our coworkersContinue reading “Stimming in the Office”

I’m NOT Fine, Thank You. How are You?

As an autistic person, I hate the question, “How are you doing?” When I say that I hate the question, think Grinch-loathes-Whoville-and-Christmas level hate. Seriously, it’s a horrible question. Why haven’t neurotypicals figured this out yet? As most autistics do, I learned about the insanity of this question the hard way. People may ask thisContinue reading “I’m NOT Fine, Thank You. How are You?”

Task Interruption at the Office: Hell on Earth for Autistics

We all know that interrupting someone is rude. Our parents taught us that. Our teachers taught us that. It’s frustrating to be engrossed in a task or conversation and be interrupted. Just about anyone, neurotypical or neurodivergent, is irritated on some level. I envy the person that can pick up a conversation with, “Now whereContinue reading “Task Interruption at the Office: Hell on Earth for Autistics”